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  • Everything You Need to Set Up Your Development Environment

    NVIDIA SDK Manager provides an end-to-end development environment setup solution for NVIDIA’s Jetson, Holoscan, Rivermax, DeepStream, Aerial Research Cloud (ARC-OTA), Ethernet Switch, RAPIDS, DRIVE and DOCA SDKs for both host and target devices.

    NVIDIA SDK Manager development environment setup solution

    What’s New in SDK Manager:

    Version 2.1.0:

    • SDK Manager is now available for installing directly from Nvidia APT/RPM repo
    • Enhanced the USB 3.0 flashing process for Jetson devices
    • Enable HTTPS proxy configuration of NVIDIA target devices during install process
    • Switch to CLI mode when DISPLAY is not configured correctly
    • Different improvements to the command line interface flow (CLI)
    • Added support for RAPIDS SDK
    • Bug fixes and improvements

    System Requirements

    System requirements of SDK Manager may differ from the system requirements of the specific SDK you are installing. Refer to the system requirements for the specific Jetson, Holoscan, Rivermax, DeepStream, Aerial Research Cloud (ARC-OTA), Ethernet Switch, RAPIDS, DRIVE or DOCA product release you are installing.

    Hardware RAM 8GB
    Internet Connection
    Dependencies Requirements vary depending on the deployed SDK.


    ? Faster than ever
    Fast download and streamlined development environment setup.

    ? Packages and dependencies manager
    Orchestrates SDKs, tools and driver combinations, secures incompatibilities of software versions.

    ? Supports both host machine and target devices
    Installs SDKs on host machine, flashes NVIDIA HW development platforms, supports different OSes.

    ? Designed for developers
    GUI and command line applications.

    ? Easy to get
    A single location for multiple software development SDKs and tools.

    ? Know when there is an update
    Update notifications to get the latest and greatest from NVIDIA.

    While SDK Manager supports all the below host operating systems, you need to verify the SDK package supports the host OS; the requirements are set by the SDK package you are installing. See the host operating system compatibility matrix for details:

    SDK Version
    Supported Host Operating System
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux
    Rocky Linux
    16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 7.6 8 8.2 7.6 8 8.2 8.6 8.6 10.8
    JetPack 4.x
    JetPack 5.x
    JetPack 6.x
    HoloPack 1.x
    HoloPack 2.0
    Holoscan 2.x
    DeepStream 6.x
    DeepStream 7.x
    Rivermax 1.1x
    Rivermax 1.2x, 1.3x
    Rivermax 1.4x
    Ethernet Switch
    Switch 4.x
    Aerial 22-4
    Aerial 23-x
    ARC-OTA 1.x
    RAPIDS 24.x
    DRIVE OS 5.0.x
    DRIVE 0S 6.0.x
    DOCA 1.x
    DOCA 2.x
    DOCA 2.2.x

    SDK Manager deploys NVIDIA Jetson, Holoscan, Rivermax, DeepStream, ARC-OTA, Ethernet Switch, RAPIDS, DRIVE and DOCA SDKs.

    Learn more about NVIDIA Jetson
    Learn more about NVIDIA Holoscan SDK
    Learn more about NVIDIA Rivermax SDK
    Learn more about NVIDIA DeepStream SDK
    Learn more about NVIDIA Aerial
    Learn more about NVIDIA Aerial Resource Center (ARC-OTA)
    Learn more about NVIDIA Ethernet Switch SDK
    Learn more about NVIDIA RAPIDS SDK
    Learn more about NVIDIA DRIVE
    Learn more about NVIDIA DOCA SDK

    Get Started:


    Local repo:

    1. Download the install file for your desired platform:

    2. ??.deb Ubuntu ??.rpm RHEL/CentOS/Rocky

    3. Run the command for your desired platform:
    4. Ubuntu:
      • sudo apt install ./sdkmanager_[version]-[build#]_amd64.deb
      • RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 8.0, 8.2, 8.6: sudo dnf install ./sdkmanager_[version]-[build#].x86_64.rpm
      • RHEL/CentOS 7.6: sudo yum install ./sdkmanager_[version]-[build#].x86_64.rpm

    Network repo:

    1. From a terminal window, run the following commands for your desired platform:

    2. Ubuntu:
      1. wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/[distro]/x86_64/cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
      2. sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
      3. sudo apt-get update
      4. sudo apt-get -y install sdkmanager
      • Replace the highlighted distro with the one that you are using. Supported distros are: ubuntu1804, ubuntu2004, ubuntu2204, debian10

      RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 8.0, 8.2, 8.6:
      1. sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/rhel8/x86_64/cuda-rhel8.repo
      2. sudo dnf clean all
      3. sudo dnf install sdkmanager

      RHEL/CentOS/Rocky 7.6:
      1. sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/rhel7/x86_64/cuda-rhel7.repo
      2. sudo yum clean all
      3. sudo yum install sdkmanager

    2. LAUNCH:

    1. From a terminal window, launch SDK Manager with the command: sdkmanager

    Docker Support:


    1. Download Docker image with the base OS that you need for required SDK:

    2. ??Docker Image - Ubuntu 22.04 ??Docker Image - Ubuntu 20.04 ??Docker Image - Ubuntu 18.04

    3. Install the Docker image:
      • From a terminal, load the Docker image: docker load -i ./sdkmanager-[version].[build#]-[base_OS]_docker.tar.gz
      • It is recommended that you tag the version as "latest" for ease of use: docker tag sdkmanager:[version].[build#] sdkmanager:latest

    2. LAUNCH:

    1. Launch the Docker image:
      • The Docker image is designed to be executed directly from the host, without the need to open the terminal inside the docker itself. The sdkmanager executable is the entrypoint. SDK Manager CLI arguments should be used directly when running a new container:
      • Example command: SDK Manager CLI with Docker: docker run -it --rm sdkmanager --help

      For more information, see SDK Manager user guide (Docker section).

    Visit?SDK Manager Downloads Archive for older versions.

    *SDK Manager is using open source software available for download here.