Professional Graphics Technologies Overview
Professional Graphics Technologies unlock performance making your engineers and artists more productive.
NVIDIA OptiX? ray tracing engine
The world's fastest route for building high performance ray tracing applications now provides a host of important new capabilities including Callable Programs, CUDA Interop, and Bindless Textures. OptiX handles the essential of ray tracing performance and GPU management so developers can concentrate on the custom methods and techniques that differentiate their applications.
NVIDIA SceniX? scene management engine
The fastest start for building a modern, high performance, real-time 3D system. A highly flexible rendering framework makes SceniX an ideal choice whenever there's a need to analyze 3D data, make decisions, and convey results in real-time and at the highest fidelity possible.
NVIDIA CompleX? scene scaling engine
The solution for keeping massive data interactive as graphics memory is exceeded by managing the distribution of geometry across GPUs and seamlessly compositing the result for fluid interaction. Superior compositing performance when managing multiple GPUs for large displays, independent of data distribution.
Cg Toolkit and CgFX Runtime
The cross platform shading language for adding cutting edge effects to real-time applications, with a flexible effects format and hardware profiles to maximize graphics possibilities across the widest range of graphics hardware.
NVIDIA PhysX 64-bit physics engine
The 64-bit version of the widely adopted, real-time physics solution, with APEX modules for adding artist-friendly features for highly interactive, GPU-accelerated capabilities such as Cloth and Fluids.
NVIDIA GPUDirect? for Video
Expanding GPU access to the Video I/O world. Allows 3rd party hardware to communicate directly with NVIDIA GPUs. By taking advantage of this new API the historical issues of introducing too much delay or latency are gone.