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  • Overview

    This page provides an explanation and solutions for the following cuptiGetLastError() code when using the NVIDIA CUPTI libary API:
    For general information about this error including Solutions and Administration, please see NVIDIA Development Tools Solutions - ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM: Permission issue with Performance Counters.

    Solutions for this issue

    To get the desired behavior (see chart below) when profiling,
    1. Have a system administrator enable access to the NVIDIA performance counters using the Administration instructions
    2. Run the application being profiled with administrative privileges
      • On Windows targets: Launch the target application by right-clicking on the application and selecting "Run as administrator"
      • On Linux targets: Launch the target application with 'sudo' or as a user with the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability set


    For the NVIDIA CUPTI libary API found in the CUDA Toolkit version 10.2

    Mode[1] User[2] Expected Behavior
    Restricted Profiling Admin[3] cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    Restricted Profiling non-Admin For profiling APIs,
    and no profiling is possible.

    For tracing APIs,
    cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS
    and tracing APIs produce normal results.
    Unrestricted Profiling Admin[3] cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    Unrestricted Profiling non-Admin cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    [1] Mode set by system administrator using the Administration instructions
    [2] Privilege level of user running target application being profiled on target device
    [3] Admin user privilege achieved by
    • On Windows targets: Launching the target application by right-clicking on the application and selecting "Run as administrator
    • On Linux targets: Launching the target application with 'sudo' or as a user with the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability set

    For the NVIDIA CUPTI libary API found in the CUDA Toolkit version 10.1

    Mode[1] User[2] Expected Behavior
    Restricted Profiling Admin[3] cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    Restricted Profiling non-Admin cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES
    and no profiling or tracing is possible.
    Unrestricted Profiling Admin[3] cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    Unrestricted Profiling non-Admin cuptiGetLastError() returns CUPTI_SUCCESS (assuming no other error)
    and profiling/tracing APIs produce normal results
    [1] Mode set by system administrator using the Administration instructions
    [2] Privilege level of user running target application being profiled on target device
    [3] Admin user privilege achieved by
    • On Windows targets: Launching the target application by right-clicking on the application and selecting "Run as administrator
    • On Linux targets: Launching the target application with 'sudo' or as a user with the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability set
