Nsight Compute 2019.4 - New Features
NVIDIA? Nsight™ Compute 2019.4 has been released with the following features and improvements:
- Support for CUDA Toolkit 10.1 Update 2
- OptiX applications can now be profiled
- Added support for the Linux PowerPC target platform
- Reduced the profiling overhead, especially if no source metrics are collected
- Reduced the overhead for non-profiled kernels
- Improved the deployment performance during remote launches
- Trying to profile on an unsupported GPU now shows an "Unsupported GPU" error message
- Added support for the %i sequential number placeholder to generate unique report file names
- Added support for smsp__sass_* metrics on Volta and newer GPUs
- The launch__occupancy_limit_shared_mem now reports the device block limit if no shared memory is used by the kernel
NVIDIA Nsight Compute
- The Profile activity shows the command line used to launch nv-nsight-cu-cli
- The heatmap on the Source page now shows the represented metric in its tooltip
- The Memory Workload Analysis Chart on the Details page now supports baselines
- When applying rules, a message displaying the number of new rule results is shown in the status bar
- The Visual Profiler Transition Guide was added to the documentation
- Connection dialog activity options were added to the documentation
- A warning dialog is shown if the application is resumed without Auto-Profile enabled
- Pausing the application now has immediate feedback in the toolbar controls
- Added a Close All command to the File menu
NVIDIA Nsight Compute Command Line Interface
- Fixed an issue that reported the wrong executable name in the Session page when attaching
- Fixed issues that chart labels were shown elided on the Details page
- Fixed an issue that caused the cache hitrates to be shown incorrectly when baselines were added
- Fixed an illegal memory access when collecting sass__*_histogram metrics for applications using PyTorch on Pascal GPUs
- Fixed an issue when attempting to collect all smsp__* metrics on Volta and newer GPUs
- Fixed an issue when profiling multi-context applications
- Fixed that profiling start/stop settings from the connection dialog weren't properly passed to the interactive profile activity
- Fixed that certain smsp__warp_cycles_per_issue_stall* metrics returned negative values on Pascal GPUs
- Fixed that metric names were truncated in the --page details non-CSV command line output
- Fixed that the target application could crash if a connection port was used by another application with higher privileges
For a complete overview of all NVIDIA Nsight? Compute features and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight? Compute page.
NVIDIA® Nsight™ Compute 2019.4 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.