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  • Note: This video may require joining the NVIDIA Developer Program or login

    GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9868:Real-Time Automatic Incident Detection Inside Tunnels Based on Volta Architecture

    Amir Nakib(Vinci Autoroutes)
    We'll present a novel real-time framework based on NVIDIA Volta architecture for real-time automatic incident detection, which plays an important role in transportation systems. This framework is mandatory in every tunnel in Europe and is being deployed to the more than 80 tunnels we manage in France and elsewhere in Europe. We'll describe our real-time automatic incident detection solution and discuss how it outperforms traditional systems based on classical image processing techniques, which are inefficient and produce many false positives. We'll also detail the challenges we faced, including the need to minimize hardware cost, provide highly precise detection, and keep computation time very low. The complexity of this problem increases with the number of the cameras, which range from 50-380 per tunnel.
