GTC Silicon Valley-2019: Infusing Physics into Deep Learning Algorithms with Applications to Stable Landing of Drones
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9732:Infusing Physics into Deep Learning Algorithms with Applications to Stable Landing of Drones
Anima Anandkumar(NVIDIA)
We'll talk about how we're incorporating physics into deep learning algorithms. Standard deep learning algorithms are based on a function-fitting approach that does not exploit any domain knowledge or constraints. This makes them unsuitable for applications like robotics that require safety or stability guarantees. These algorithms also require large amounts of labeled data, which is not readily available. We'll discuss how we're overcoming these limitations by infusing physics into deep learning algorithms, and how we're applying this to stable landing of quadrotor drones. We've developed a robust deep learning-based nonlinear controller called Neural-Lander, which learns ground-effect aerodynamic forces that are hard to model. We'll also touch on how Neural-Lander can land significantly faster while maintaining stability.