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  • Note: This video may require joining the NVIDIA Developer Program or login

    GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9705:Kipoi: Model Zoo for Genomics

    Ziga Avsec(Technical University Munich)
    Learn about the importance of genomics in precision medicine and understand how researchers are decoding genomic information by building deep learning models. We'll show how the Kipoi model zoo for genomics (kipoi.org) can help in this endeavor and discuss several Kipoi use cases that demonstrate how it facilitates using, sharing, archiving, and building deep learning models in genomics. In addition, we'll highlight some recent successes of deep learning in genomics. Session participants can expect to gain appreciation for sharing end-to-end processing pipelines (not just models) and gain insight into how deep learning and GPU hardware accelerators are changing genomics.

    View the slides (pdf)
