GTC Silicon Valley-2019: PGI Compilers, The NVIDIA HPC SDK: Updates for 2019
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GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID:S9289:PGI Compilers, The NVIDIA HPC SDK: Updates for 2019
Michael Wolfe(NVIDIA)
Come hear the latest PGI news and learn about what we'll develop in the year ahead. We'll talk about the latest PGI OpenACC Fortran/C++ and CUDA Fortran compilers and tools, which are supported on x64 and OpenPOWER systems with NVIDIA GPUs. We'll discuss new CUDA Fortran features, including Tensor Core support and cooperative groups, and we'll cover our current work on half-precision. We'll explain new OpenACC 2.7 features, along with Beta true deep-copy directives and support for OpenACC programs on unified memory systems. The PGI compiler-assisted software testing feature helps determine where differences arise between CPU and GPU versions of a program or when porting to a new system. Learn upcoming projects, which include a high-performance PGI Subset of OpenMP for NVIDIA GPUs, support for GPU programming with standard C++17 parallel STL and Fortran, and incorporating GPU-Accelerated math libraries to support porting and optimization of HPC applications on NVIDIA GPUs.