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  • Note: This video may require joining the NVIDIA Developer Program or login

    GTC Silicon Valley-2019 ID: S9142: Real-Time Streaming of 3D Enterprise Applications To Low-Powered

    Andrei Ermilov (Microsoft)
    Learn how Microsoft is extending WebRTC to enable real-time, interactive 3D streaming from the cloud to any low-powered remote device. The purpose is to provide an open-source toolkit to enable industries to leverage remote cloud rendering in their service and product pipelines. This is required for many industries in which the scale and complexity of 3D models, scenes, physics, and rendering is beyond the capabilities of a mobile device platform. We are extending the industry standard WebRTC framework to 3D scenarios such as mixed reality. We'll explain the work we did to realize the goal of delivering high-quality 3D applications to any client — web, mobile, desktop, and embedded. This is only possible using the NVIDIA NVENCODE pipeline for server-side

    View the slides (pdf)
