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  • The NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) Certified Instructor Program (CIP) connects qualified instructors with high-quality, hands-on course materials and a fully-configured, GPU-accelerated learning environment in the cloud. Members of the Program receive access to course materials, instructor assessments and certification interviews that allow them to become a DLI Certified Instructor and deliver DLI courses.

    Instructor candidates complete rigorous, course-specific evaluations covering their technical qualifications, subject matter expertise, mastery of course materials, and classroom delivery skills as well as training on effective use of the DLI platform.Certified Instructors also complete continuing education and renew membership annually to maintain active status.

    Instructor candidates must have some of the following criteria to be accepted into the Certified Instructor program:

    • Proven knowledge of any of the following substantiated by documented research, courses taught or completed studied in:
      • Machine Learning
      • Deep learning
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Accelerated Computing
    • Experience teaching courses at a University or College (Faculty member)
    • Experience teaching and/or presenting technical content in front of live audiences

    Next Steps

    Details about this program and DLI Certified Instructor qualifications and requirements can be found in the CIP Program Guide. Access will require membership of the NVIDIA Developer Program
